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194. Weekly Dispatch XLVIII

Diary of Endelle Stroth - 36.08.2270

I’m writing this ahead of our arrival at Aglostarros, in case - for whatever reason - I’m not around to explain for myself.

Tren Krellos and I returned to the greater galaxy to stop the paranoid Centurions from destroying the Ele Metanation. To do this, we need Project Centennial’s control console in the archives of the Museum where I was formerly the Curator. However, travelling the galaxy is hazardous, as I am wanted for treason. Therefore, we convinced the Galactic Liberation of Wonder movement to smuggle us to Aglostarros aboard the stolen CCS Fortitude, but were pursued from GLoW’s headquarters by the Empire of the Queil.

Our plan now is to set the Queils against Aglostarros’ defence forces and use the chaos to slip away from the Fortitude in Krellos’ fighter, the Gunmetal Gyre. From there, we’ll access the AUM via an unguarded side entrance.

Simple enough, I suppose. Wish us luck.



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